Una sobre el mismo mar.mp4

composed by Benito Cabrera
arranged for brass quintet by José A. Cubas D.

performed by the Charleston Symphony Brass
Antonio Marti Valldecabres & Kyle Lane, trumpets
Brandon Nichols, horn
Chris Lindgren, trombone
Tom Joyce, tuba
Ryan Leveille, percussion

Recorded at the Charleston Gaillard Center on December 23, 2021, Charleston, South Caroline

Below will be the English version of text that will happen after the Spanish version (it gives more explanation since non-Spanish speakers won’t know about this song and why it is being played)

Composed and recorded in 1994 by Canarian musician Benito Cabrera, Una sobre el misomo mar (“One on the same sea”) was part of a program to strengthen ties between all the Canary Islands. Since its premiere, the song quickly gained popularity and has become a national Christmas hymn of the islands. The text mentions each of the islands in turn, with the refrain reinforcing that while each island has its own distinct character, they are all surrounded by the same ocean.

From a distant shore of that same ocean, the members of the Charleston (South Carolina) Symphony Brass, led by Canarian Antonio Marti Valldecabres, send a musical message of support and love to the people of la Palma who continue to suffer from the devastation of the Old Summit volcano.

This greeting also goes out to the whole world at a time when the pandemic has reminded us that we are all truly connected around one vast sea. May 2022 bring us all peace, healing, and brighter times!

By |2021-12-24T22:30:39+00:00December 24th, 2021|0 Comments

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